Dialogues between Policymakers and Academia on Global Governance
"The Dialogues between policymakers and academia" is a webinar in which international
policymakers and academic scholars interact in order to find common avenues for
fostering cutting-edge research on global governance that is both fundamental
and policy-relevant. We have gathered top officials from the European
Commission, the United Nations, the World Bank and the World Trade
Organization. They will share views on current policymaking dynamics within
their organizations and the possible interplay with academic research.
27-28th May, 2021
Initial Support - Policymakers
World Trade Organization
From its inception the "Dialogues between policymakers and academia" webinar counts with the support of Prof. Robert Koopman (Chief economist of the Word Trade Organization)

Mr. Robert Koopman currently serves as the Chief Economist of the World Trade Organization, and in this role serves as the Director of the Economic Research and Statistics Division. ERSD provides economic advice and analysis to the Director General, other members and offices of the WTO Secretariat, Member Country Delegations, and other interested stakeholders. He also ensures coherence between WTO economic and statistic work with that of other international organizations such as the World Bank, IMF, OECD, regional development banks and organizations such as UNCTAD, the ILO, WHO, and WIPO.
Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University

From its inception "Dialogues between policymakers and academia" counts with the support the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University.
José Manuel Martínez-Sierra

Martinez-Sierra is Jean Monnet ad personam Professor for the Study of European Union Law and Government and the Real Colegio Complutense former Director. He is also a Tenured Professor on Constitutional Law at Complutense Law School since 2013 (currently on leave) where he also was a Jean Monnet Professor in European Constitutional Law. He is a Local Affiliate of the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies and an Associate of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies. He is an Advisory Council Member and European Law Coordinator of the Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard Law School, co-chair of the Internationalization and Innovation in Higher Education Study Group, co-chair of the European Legal Order Seminar and co-chair of the Europe in the World Seminar at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard. He is also the Faculty Sponsor of the Harvard European Law Association.
Daniel Sánchez Mata

Daniel Sánchez Mata has recently been appointed as the next Real Colegio Complutense (RCC) at Harvard Director and joins the Center based in Cambridge effective immediately. Prof. Sánchez Mata takes over from José Manuel Martínez Sierra, who held the position since 2012.
Professor of Botany and Plant Ecology at Complutense University of Madrid since 2007, Daniel Sánchez is an accomplished scholar and educator with strong experience as an academic leader and in the administration of research projects. He has a distinguished research trajectory working on Bioclimatology mainly in Europe (Mediterranean Basin) and North America (Pacific Northwest) and is responsible for the bioclimatic frame of the international project 'Circumboreal Vegetation Mapping Project (CBVM)' sponsored by the Arctic Council. He has taught Environmental Botany, Geobotany (Plant Ecology) and Medical Botany at the UCM's Pharmacy School for more than two decades where he was, until March 9, 2021, Director of the UCM MAF-Herbaria (Pharmacy School) and the Dean´s Delegate for the Environment.

Associated Partners
Una Europa University Partners
+ Freie Universität Berlin + Università di Bologna + University of Edinburgh +Helsingin Yliopisto
+ Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie + KU Leuven + Universidad Complutense de Madrid
+ Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne