Una Europa Global Governance Research Group
An interdisciplinary "Research Group on Global Governance"
composed by members of the Una Europa alliance
Re-imagining Global Governance: a Una Europa on-line seminar
(A call for collaboration in Una Europa)
Wars are making a frightening comeback in today's world. Apart from the daily news about the Russian military aggression in Ukraine and the Gaza war, atrocities and starvation are a constant reality in Sudan, East-Congo, Haiti, Yemen and Myanmar. In light of geopolitical divides, the United Nations often looks powerless to tackle these conflicts.
Yet the challenges the world faces on global warming, water, plastics and other areas of environmental degradation, the potentially profound effects of AI, to say nothing of preventing a catastrophic spiral into hard power politics, more war and more violence, make salvaging global governance and putting it on a new basis absolutely imperative.
To this end, UNA Europa's Global Governance Research Group (GGRG) is seeking to make a (small) contribution by setting up an on-line seminar during the next academic year (2024-2025), that will aim to reach out to voices beyond Europe. It hopes to organise monthly virtual meetings to review different aspects of global governance, which will be open to the entire UNA Europa community.
To help organise these meetings, which we hope will explore new horizons and generate policy papers for policy-makers, we welcome the support, contributions and thoughts of anyone in the UNA Europa network. Previous work by the GGRG has been published in prominent journals (such as our special issue on the UN's Common Agenda of 2021). Our goal will be to support follow-up publication of the seminar communications similarly, primarily - but not only - in English.
Should you wish to get involved in working on this seminar series, please visit our website and contact Nicholas Sowels (nicholas.sowels@univ-paris1.fr; Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
What's new?
Latest news
December 2024 - Special Issue, Global Policy
"The European Union and the Pursuit of Global Governance in a Multi-Polar, Fractured World"
Thursday, July 1, 2021, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Una Europa Podcast by Prof. Maria C. Latorre and Prof. Jan Wouters on Their "Dialogue between Policy and Academia" Project
Tribuna Complutense
Una Europa financia un proyecto, liderado desde la Facultad de Estadística, que busca mejorar la toma de decisiones políticas
Maria, could you give as an introduction into 'Dialogues between policy-makers and academia'. What is this all about?
December 8th, 2023
Main features
Ambitious goal
Under the initiative of Prof. María C. Latorre (Facultad de Estudios Estadísticos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and Prof. Jan Wouters (Faculty of Law, KU Leuven), researchers from Una Europa universities have formed the "Una Europa Global Governance Research Group". We want to offer relevant advice to policymakers grounded in cutting-edge research, while pedagogical collaborations are also envisaged.
Interdisciplinary character
One of the richness of the group is its interdisciplinary approach. The Founding Members of the Una Europa Global Governance Research Group come from different lines of research, such as, computational methods, law, statistics, economics and international relationships, among others. We are open to collaborate with researchers from universities from the Una Europa Alliance working in these and other close lines of research.
Strong team
We already have
a strong, committed and interdisciplinary initial team of founding
members. It is strong because it is composed of Senior Academics from each
of the eight UNA Europa Universities and alsoincludes an additional partner, which is Real
Colegio Complutense at Harvard University.
Collaboration with other policymakers
The founding members of the Una Europa Global Governance Research Group have experience in developing applied research, which is relevant for policymakers. We want to go deeper into these relations and, to that aim, we have promoted a series of seminars called "Dialogues between policymakers and Academia".
We already have a strong, committed and interdisciplinary initial team of founding members. It is strong because it is composed of Senior Academics from each of the eight UNA Europa Universities and also includes an additional partner, which is Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University.